Keep right rules

How to Keep God’s Laws

Over the course of several weeks we’ve been taking a look at God’s 10 commandments. We understand we are required to love God with all our heart and love our neighbor as ourselves.

But, would you like to hear the HONEST truth?

We cannot KEEP those laws.

Wait! what do you mean?

We cannot keep those rules due to the sinful nature of the flesh!

You see, the Bible teaches that man is a three-part being. Every man and woman consists of flesh (which we all see), a living soul, and a spirit.

From the moment mankind disobeyed God at the beginning of time, our flesh part became hopelessly corrupt and can no longer yield to God’s rules.

So, no matter how hard we try, regardless of religion, we are still going to be found wanting of some of those 10 commandments. For example, I told a lie to my children a few days ago – which I am not proud of!

You may say – “Hey, but I can do my best to keep some (or most) of the 10 commandments and hope God will grade us on a curve”
But it doesn’t work that way! Scripture is clear that punishments follow those who don’t keep all the laws of God.

Ok, so I see we are all sinners filled with guilt and condemnation. We must be doomed?
Not so! There is HELP and there is HOPE!

Jesus Christ came and kept all of God’s laws throughout His life! He’s the sinless one!
He has paid the ransom against our condemnation and He wants to dwell in you so that you can partake of His godly nature. He wants you to be created anew!

It is impossible for God to sin and break His laws – so if His nature is living in you, you cannot be condemned.

But wait – how does the “God living in me” thing work?
It’s an invisible operation of God which I can’t explain the nitty-gritty details.

However, while you don’t understand the specific details of how a Tesla car works, you still drive it at the drop of a hat! You have probably flown with Delta or United Airlines recently, but you didn’t question how the complex pieces of their aircraft work to fly you from San Francisco all the way to New York.

So, when it comes to how God could dwell in you……
This is where your FAITH comes in – only believe!

And do you want to know the best part of this offering? 😉

What?! 😲
No payments is required from your end for this free gift from God – Only believe!

Jesus knows all of God’s commandments, so when He gets to live in you, He’ll guide your moral compass through His Spirit.

Oh, so I won’t sin again after accepting Christ? (yeah right) 😏
Of course, you’re still living in a mortal and corrupt flesh, which continually desires to break God’s commandments. Your flesh is still prone to fall into sin, but you are fully 1000% (no typo) covered by the sacrifice of Jesus Christ if He’s living in you. (Remember – Jesus always obeys God’s laws and He has taken away your punishment). If you make a mistake, you can boldly go to God, confess it, and ask for forgiveness – only believe He has forgiven you when you pray!

Ok, so now that Jesus is living in me, can I continue practicing living a lawless life ?
Not so! God cannot sin, so if your spirit is partaking of the godly nature, then your fleshly deeds will transform from self-centeredness into loving God and your neighbor. It’s a journey of growth in the things of God, which starts with – only believe!

And it continues with (you guessed right) – only believe!

Just one more analogy – It’s like taking a course where you’ve already gotten an “A+” at the beginning of the class, but you still have to complete the course.

Ok, I’m ready now. What must I do to receive this gift?
Say this simple prayer with belief from your heart:

Dear God,
I know that I am a sinner and I want your forgiveness.
I believe Jesus Christ died for my sins on the cross and rose from the dead.
I turn from my sins and invite you to come into my heart and life.
I want to trust and follow you as my Lord and Savior
In Jesus Name, Amen!

If you have said this prayer, welcome to the family of God, and we’re so thrilled you made this decision! Let us hear from you so we can encourage you and send you some resources you’ll find useful in your new adventure.

In conclusion, only the gift of the in-dwelling presence of Christ in us can enable us keep the commandments of God and be released from guilt and condemnation.